Bought one of these for my 3 year old who absolutely loves it! Wish we'd bought one for our eldest who only learnt to ride a bike just before her 6th birthday. Something tells me our youngest will be flying on a proper bike by the time she is 4!
I have to say this is probably the best bike for toddlers. My boy has picked it up so easily and in a few days is free wheeling, he builds up speed with his legs and then balances along.... and he is very fast also.... perfect introduction into the world of cycling. he wont leave home without it
This is an update to a previous review. 5 years and 2 children later and the bike is still in brand new condition. `The bike is so light and has better quality tires compared to a lot other brands. Because of this the bike rolls so easily that my children could glide for a longer period of time (10-15 sec) and travel much longer distances on it at a very young age. I actually ditched my stroller in favour of the stride bike. I loved loved the hand break as it made the bike much safer and was very easy for my 2.5 year old to use. Have maybe had to top of tires once or twice in those 5 years. Started both my children with the lowering kits around 2.5 years old and they both transitioned to peddle bikes in under 5 minutes at approx 4 years old with no fuss, no crashes and zero tears!!! Highly recommend this bike!
Bike is amazing. My 3 years old girl learned how to ride it in 2 days.
Little boy is flying. Working very well!
Great bike! My daughter loves it. It's light, good quality and perfect way to learn to ride a bike without stabilisers.
Good quality and well designed
The Best bike on the market!! We love it
great balance bike,light weight, sturdy, bought for a 3yr old
I was most impressed with this balance bike. It is extremely well made, easy to assemble and robust enough to last for several generations. Highly recommended.
It was a present for my daughter's 3rd birthday. She loves it. It took her day or two to get used to it. Now she tries to get it in motion and put her feet up to keep the balance. And she can do it.
Very durable, well made bike. It took us less maybe 30 mins to put together. It was expensive but it is worth it. I love the violet color too.
Granddaughter loves this bike flying around already, its safe and I don't worry about it been flung on the floor as its so tough and its light too. Buy one you won't be disappointed.
This was a great buy for our boy who was nearly 3 when we got it. It is light enough for him to lift it up and over kerbs etc. and he can easily maintain control while freewheeling. After just 2 months of using it he can basically ride a bicycle: there are no pedals but that's the easy bit and he could do that already with a tricycle he had since he turned 2 🙂 Now we can go for walks at full adult speed and not only is he keeping up but we're actually having to jog after him!
It's fantastic, but have patience! We bought a firstbike for my son when he was 3, but it took him about a year to get comfortable enough to want to ride it. For a long time, he was too scared and was too frustrated to "walk" with it under him. I wondered if it was a waste of $150. But we kept it around, and one day, at age 4, he started riding it and was going fast within a few minutes. A few days ago, my daughter (only 2.5 years old) started walking it under her around the house, and when we take her to the park now she's riding it fast, getting in lots of good long glides. It's a really well-made, well-designed bike, lightweight, so it's easy for kids to ride once they are tall enough and have the coordination. The seat is easily adjustable. My son now at age 5.5 has a pedal bike but still likes speeding around on the firstbike. His transition to a pedal bike was smooth and quick. I'm glad we got the handbrake, because with it my son learned how to balance and use a brake going down steep hills. It's awesome that we never had to go through the rusty tricycle stage or the training wheel stage.
GREAT bike. My 3 year is having a blast with this.
I was hesitant to buy this initially because of the cost. I dreaded getting it for my son and it sitting in the garage unused. Happy to report that after two months the bike goes everywhere he does. He loves it and became proficient riding it almost immediately. Very happy with the purchase - money well spent.